Play equipment for Horsleys youngest residents

11th May 2016

A grant of £600 supported Puddleducks Playgroup to purchase new soft play equipment, toys, dressing up clothes and craft supplies to provide higher quality and more exciting play experiences for West Horsley’s youngest residents. The new equipment enables Puddleducks to offer more varied activities, encouraging existing members to return and appealing to new parents and carers to attend the group, giving them the opportunity to socialise, reduce isolation and make friends within the local community.

Puddleducks are absolutely delighted with our grant from the Horsleys Community Fund. It will make such a difference to all the children, parents and carers to have new, exciting toys and activities during playgroup. We can’t wait to share the news with everyone! – Chairperson, Alicia Grainger

Puddleducks has been running as a local playgroup in West Horsley for over 30 years. A minimal charge is made by parents which covers some costs but the group relies on donations for toys and books and, as a result, much of the equipment is now very old, worn, broken or with missing pieces.

For many parents Puddleducks is a lifeline, and provides them with regular peer support from other parents and the opportunity to make lasting friendships. They regularly welcome new parents who have recently moved into the village, and the group can really help them to become a part of the local community.

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Horsleys Community Fund supports local residents stay active and healthy

9th May 2016

In 2014, David Bampfylde suffered a severe stroke which left him paralysed down the whole of his right side and unable to speak clearly. Having been very active and traveled widely in his life, to be wheel chair bound, unable to drive and suddenly very reliant on his wife, Katia, was not where he wanted to be.

After nine months in hospital, considerable effort was made to transform his house to accommodate his needs. This has drawn heavily on their own financial resources even with the help of Social Services with the provision of disability equipment, David became somewhat house bound.

Mike Rushby, a near neighbour of David’s, heard of his plight and suggested to the Horsley Community Fund that they might be able to help. The need was for a specialised swivel car seat which could be retrofitted into their existing car. And so The Horsley Community Fund together with the Rotary Club of Bookham & Horsley combined to make a major contribution towards the new swivel seat. Supplied and fitted by Mountside Mobility of Guildford, it makes it easy for David to transfer from the wheel chair to the car.

So now he is ready to start travelling again, not only to satisfy any medical appointments but also to go to the seaside and beyond!

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Find out more about the Horsleys Community Fund and view thier latest e-news bulletin here.

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Horsleys Community Fund

8th April 2016

The Horsleys Community Fund (HCF) was established in 2010, as a conduit for residents of East and West Horsley to be able to give in order to support their neighbours.

The fund is managed by a group of trustees (currently seven), drawn from both villages, who work to encourage donations to the fund and to enable grants from it.  The trustees meet about six times a year.

HCF is a fund within the Community Foundation for Surrey (CFS) which provides all administrative and investment services.  Our charitable status is provided by their registration.

Funds held

Donations to the fund are usually invested into an endowment fund.  HCF has two of these funds, which were each established to allow us to claim matched funding for a fixed period from the government (in 2010 and 2012).  These funds are invested with others managed by CFS (which together total over £15 million) and the CFS investment committee is responsible for ensuring that the best returns are achieved by the investment managers.

The returns from our investments are passed to a flow-through fund which is used for making grants.

Donations to the HCF since March 2010 have reached £128k and in addition CFS have claimed on our behalf over £53k of matched government funding and Gift Aid.

In 2015 another local charitable trust with very similar objectives, the Lady Noel Byron Nursing Trust, was incorporated into HCF, adding a further £60k to the fund.

Investment returns of £135k (after deduction of CFS charges) have resulted in investments of over £310k being held (at 31 March 2022).


The criteria adopted for awarding grants are:

– The recipient must be a resident of East or West Horsley, or an organisation based in either village, with insufficient means to meet the need identified

– The applicant must demonstrate that alternative sources of funding have been explored

– The applicant must be able to demonstrate that the grant requested will create a sustainable benefit.

In the 12 years of our operation we have awarded 70 grants totaling £63k, ranging in size from £80 to £2,500, to 38 local organisations and individuals.

Grant applications are made to CFS who carry out due diligence checks and make recommendations to the trustees.  The HCF trustees decide whether to award grants on the basis of these recommendations as well as personal contact with the applicants.

Chart showing the relative number of grants awarded by recipient type

Press coverage about Horsleys Community Fund

“Messages of lockdown hope go on display at Bamber’s West Horsley Place.”

Read the article in the Surrey Mirror.

Thank you to our supporters

“The Horsleys Community Fund Steering Panel would like to wholeheartedly thank our supporters; those who give regular donations by Standing Order, those who have remembered us in their Wills, fundraisers and occasional donors – you make a genuine difference to our community.“


If you or anyone you know could benefit from our support, please do get in contact.

We get a continuous stream of requests which we hope to be able to continue to meet with the help of our supporters – please get in touch! Call Clare Mathias on 01483 281755, or email”

– Clare Mathias, Horsleys Community Fund Panel Chair

To Apply

Download the Horsleys Small Grants Form here, to apply for a grant up to the value of £2,000.

For grant applications over the value of £2,000, Express your Interest here.

Hold an event

Could you host a drinks reception, private dinner, dance night or garden party to raise money for the Horsleys Fund? Please contact us to discuss your plans.


Are you doing a sponsored swim or holding a local festival? How about supporting local people in need in the Horsleys? Set up your fundraising page here (click here) 


Alternatively, you can donate to the Horsleys Community Fund via our donation page (click here) through Enthuse online donation platform.

Interested in leaving a legacy?

Further information about leaving a legacy to the Horsleys can be found here


Sign up for our ‘Friends of the Horsleys’

If you have missed out on our previous newsletters, you can catch up on the latest versions here: 

Christmas 2020May 2019 


Our panel consists of East and West Horsley residents who aim to make sure that those in need have access to the Fund. A Zoom photo of the team at work!

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Play equipment for Horsleys youngest residents

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Horsleys Community Fund supports the village’s war veterans

31st March 2016

On 11th November the Horsleys Community Fund supported the 7th Annual Remembrance Day Veterans Lunch held in the barn of the Barley Mow. The local fund panel were delighted to continue this tradition established by the Lady Noel Byron Trust.

30 people attended including 15 veterans who, with their family and other supporters filled the barn which had been suitably decked out with flags and bunting.

There was a special presentation to Ron Hancock and Ian Stemson from the British Legion and the proceeds of a well supported raffle will be given to the British Legion. A meal and a glass of wine was enjoyed by all and we hope to continue for some years yet.

Find out more about the Horsleys Community Fund and view their latest e-news bulletin here.

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