The Lower Green Neighborhood Fund supports local community and voluntary groups who are making a difference to the quality of local community life by awarding grants to fund their work. The Fund supports voluntary effort, not just for a single cause, but across all sectors including; isolated older people, those affected by long term illness and disability, young people and families living in poverty and disadvantage.
Lower Green is situated in Elmbridge, one of Surrey’s most affluent and sought after areas. Amidst this wealth, there are pockets of disadvantage in the borough where groups and communities are quite simply overlooked. The overall wealth of Elmbridge often masks these, but there are many shocking statistics about social or geographical areas of deprivation and need, and because they are hidden, they are often much harder to address.
The Fund makes it easy for local residents to support the breadth of needs in Lower Green by providing a sustainable source of funding to support evolving community needs and issues as they arise.