Helping Surrey’s disadvantaged communities recover from COVID-19.
Independent local charity, the Community Foundation for Surrey (CFS) has been proudly working together with NHS Charities in the Surrey Heartlands area and Surrey County Council Public Health to award grants to local projects through the Surrey Health and Wellbeing Programme. Over £700,000 was awarded from the programme to 21 local groups helping our communities respond to and recover from COVID-19.
Please note we are no longer accepting applications to this fund.
Below are some of the magnificent projects who are using the funding to improve and save lives across Surrey!
The Mums and Midwives Awareness (MAMA) Academy received a grant award to provide pregnancy passports delivering key safer pregnancy messaging to every expectant parent in the Surrey Heartlands area for a year. Chris Binnie, Business Development Manager at the MAMA Academy advised:
“We’re so excited to be able to make Pregnancy Passports available to the women and families of Surrey thanks to this generous funding. These resources have a track record nationwide of improving parents’ awareness about safer pregnancy, and we look forward to them helping to save babies’ lives in Surrey.”
Family Voice Surrey received funding over two years for a safe space where parent carers of children with additional needs can share their experience, awareness of local services and affect system change.
Benedicte Symcox, CEO of Family Voice Surrey advised:
“The engagement project is crucial to ensure that the evidence we give our partners is truly representative of our community. A key aspect of the project is to offer every parent carer the chance to be heard”.
The Momentum Children’s Charity received funding over two years towards the salary of a Family Support Worker for helping families, whose children have cancer or a life-challenging condition, within four Surrey hospitals. Bianca Effemey, Founder and CEO from Momentum Children’s Charity said:
“We’re thrilled to receive this significant grant from the Community Foundation for Surrey and Surrey Heartlands NHS Charities. The families we support were already facing huge challenges in caring for their seriously ill child. COVID-19 brought many additional fears and anxieties; our Family Support Workers are needed more than ever.”
A two-year grant was awarded to Sight For Surrey for their “Living Without Barriers” project to support those with significant sight and hearing loss at the early stages of diagnosis in the eye and audiology clinics. This project is supporting people to access a range of emotional and practical help as they go through the process of coming to terms with the fact that they now have significant sight and/or hearing loss that is going to impact on their daily lives. Bob Hughes, CEO, Sight for Surrey advised:
“We are thrilled to have been chosen as a beneficiary of the NHS Charities Together funding. This will enable us to provide more emotional and practical support to people in hospital eye clinics across the county as well as introducing Hearing Loss Advisors in the audiology clinics”.
Funding over two years was also awarded to
Emerge Advocacy for their Voice of Hope programme supporting young people in A&E and beyond because of self-harm, suicide attempt or emotional crisis. Teams of specially trained staff and volunteers across Surrey Heartlands are present in hospital during the evenings to bring comfort, compassion and care to people aged 10 to 25 arriving in A&E or staying on the wards because of self-harm, suicidal ideation or emotional crisis. The team also provides follow-up support as soon as young people leave hospital to provide a bridge back into daily life following their crisis. This tailored support reduces the risk of repeat crisis and re-admission and helps to set young people on a new trajectory.
East Surrey Domestic Abuse Services are using their funding towards a specialist Domestic Abuse and Mental Health Worker and specialist counselling and psychotherapy to survivors of domestic abuse in East Surrey. The group has created a position dedicated to working with survivors whose experiences of trauma have led to significant mental ill-health as well as providing them with opportunities to access appropriate trauma informed therapeutic interventions that meet their needs.
The Surrey NHS Charities who funded this programme were:
- Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals’ Charity
- Epsom and St Helier Hospital Charity
- Royal Surrey Charity
- SASH Charity
- South East Coast Ambulance Service (SECAMB) Charitable Fund
- Surrey and Borders Partnership Charitable Fund
Congratulations to all of the groups who were awarded funding from the 2021 Surrey Health and Wellbeing round. The grants awarded will make a massive improvement to some of Surrey’s most disadvantaged people as they recover from the unexpected impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Please note, grants are awarded subject to applicants meeting the Community Foundation for Surrey’s eligibility criteria and the Fund Criteria.
The Surrey Health and Wellbeing Fund is now closed. For further information on available funding opportunities and to apply for a grant, applicants should visit: