The Magic of Water

15th January 2020

We awarded a grant of £5,000 to the White Lodge Centre for the maintenance of their hydrotherapy pool. The Centre supports disabled children, young people and adults, their families and carers in and around Surrey. They specialise in care for those with a diverse range of disabilities, including cerebral palsy and other similar conditions.

The hydrotherapy pool is used by individuals who have a permanent physical and/or learning disability with conditions that cause continual pain and loss of movement. Individuals are unable to walk, talk, and dress, or even to carry out the simplest of tasks for day-to-day living.

C started coming to White Lodge when he was 6 months old. He was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, had no movement down one side of his body and no speech.

Hydrotherapy was part of his overall programme of therapy. The warm water in the hydrotherapy pool helped his muscles and limbs to relax, which allowed him to move more freely.

In the pool, C learnt how to kick his legs, relax his shoulders and use the weaker side of his body. Hydrotherapy also improved the overall muscle strength in both his arms. As a result of this, C has learned how to sign words. For the first time ever, we can have a conversation with our son. We talk to him and he replies. It has changed his and our lives.

– C’s mother