Mole Valley Community Fund

7th December 2023

The Mole Valley Community Fund is a Fund dedicated to Mole Valley that provides support to local projects which tackle need and disadvantage across the borough, it is the latest in the network of local area funds supported by the Community Foundation for Surrey and is run by volunteers from the local communities in Mole Valley.

Our ambition is to provide a significant level of sustainable funding to support and benefit local residents, community projects and voluntary groups in the District of Mole Valley, by bringing together local donors and stakeholders who are passionate about their local community, who can together make a difference to the area in which they live.

This fund is one of a number of borough/district Area Funds across the county managed by the Community Foundation for Surrey, developed in partnership with representatives from the local area. This model has successfully worked in other areas of the county and provides an important local emphasis for funding in Mole Valley.

The Mole Valley Community Fund is a long-term fund that people who are passionate about the area can donate to now, or leave a legacy to in the future.

If you want to get involved, find out more by downloading the information document here.

How we help people

The aim of the Mole Valley Community Fund is to establish a permanent community fund to support and benefit local residents, community projects and voluntary groups in the district. With your help we can help build a stronger community by supporting local causes that can make impact and that will empower Mole Valley to help itself now and in the future.

Fund objectives

The key objectives of the fund are:

  • To create a permanent source of community capital to support and benefit voluntary and community groups, charities and local residents in Mole Valley
  • To encourage local philanthropy and raise the level of local giving from residents and local businesses

The Fund will award grants to non-profit organisations including charities, social enterprises, community groups and voluntary organisations in the District of Mole Valley.

To apply for funding Express your Interest here.

Community Foundation for Surrey grant funds Waverley Hoppa Community Transport

13th May 2016

A grant of £4,400 from by the Community Foundation’s Haslemere Challice Community Fund and also the Thomas Trust Fund has supported the Waverley Hoppa Community Transport service to continue to provide accessible and affordable community transport service for people living in rural areas of Waverley.

Hoppa is a lifeline for many older residents and people who are isolated, have a disability or mobility difficulties, a low income or find it difficult to use public transport. This recent grant will ensure the vital service continues to support local people.

We are delighted to support such an active and important service in Waverley This is about local people supporting other local people. The Community Foundation gives donors a chance to connect with their local area and directly benefit local causes based on their passions and interests; whether that be supporting older people, those with disabilities or local sporting projects.- Wendy Varcoe

Steve Forward, General Manager at hoppa says:

“We were thrilled to hear we had been awarded a grant by the Community Foundation for Surrey. The number of people using hoppa is increasing and this money will help us to continue to provide the personal, door-to-door service upon which so many of our passengers rely.”


Haslemere Challice Community Fund

26th April 2016

The Haslemere Challice Community Fund is a fund specifically for the benefit of residents of Haslemere and the surrounding villages. The fund was established in partnership with the Challice Trust, originally established from a bequest made to the Haslemere community by Mrs Ruth Challice Bush in 1962. By working together we offer a fund that enables and encourages local giving so that we can develop a greater capacity to respond to local needs.

Since establishing the Fund has built an endowment of over £1million to support Haslemere and its residents. We have awarded over £363,000 in grants to a wide range of local charities and community organisations.

Why support the Haslemere Challice Community Fund?

As a town our needs are very specific, and local people are often faced with reduced access to facilities and funding. Our dedicated panel of local residents award grants to:

  • Help older or disadvantaged residents combat isolation and stay happy, healthy and included
  • Increase facilities, training, skills and experience for young people
  • Support local activities, services and community focal points
  • Fund projects that improve and preserve the village heritage, culture and environment

Examples of funded projects: 

Three Counties Money Advice service – £2,000

To support individuals and families at a time of economic crisis. 3 Counties Money Advice (3CMA) operates out of Haslemere Community Centre and offers FREE debt and benefit advice to anyone who calls in or makes an appointment. They have 70+ families from Haslemere and district who they support or advise.

Haslemere Festival Jubilee Event – £2,000

Funding to support the Jubilee Bonfire, Fireworks and Tea over the Jubilee weekend in 2022.

Cancer Testing South – £2,000

Free events at the Haslemere Comrades centre offering testing for men between 40 and 80 years of age for prostate cancer.

Download a copy of the 2016 Annual Fund Report for the Haslemere Challice Community Fund here.